I am truly ashamed of Malaysia.
We have had such bad press lately.
We made headlines, by the way - in the foreign news papers and news over the last two months
1) Caning of part time model Kartika for drinking beer in public - that was on the front page of the Straits Times and all over BBC and CNN
2) Indonesians threw eggs at our embassy over a traditional dance (???) and ....get this....the National anthem- that made headlines too obviously
3) PKFZ - now , how could that be left out of the news, right? It's really dog eat dog isn't it? Word on the street is that the in-fighting will see the demise of MCA.
4) The death of political secretary Teoh Beng Hock
5) And last but not least, we have the infamous and sordid Cow Head incident (this was really beyond words for me - just could not find any words to express my sentiments over this) !
This is really really humiliating for all Malaysians.
What sort of picture are we painting to the rest of the world?
Is is worth it? To the parties behind all of this - is it worth it? Is it worth losing our credibility and even worse, our common sense and spirit of decency?
Or do Malaysians even know what decency means?
I am begining to doubt it.
We have become the laughing stock in South East Asia